Was ist los beim Polo? +++ Turtles Team Broke +++

Alles über Segway-Polo / die Segway-Polo-WM in Deutschland und andere Sportarten, die mit dem Segway ausgeführt werden.
Beiträge: 469
Registriert: 18.07.2007 19:19
Wohnort: München-Waldperlach (81739)

Was ist los beim Polo? +++ Turtles Team Broke +++

Beitrag von 81739-seg »

Facebook 0:15 Uhr:

Funky-Move Turtles / 1st SegwayPolo Club Germany

We are very sorry to announce that the SegwayPolo Team Funky-Move Turtles broke today.
After long and hard discussions Sonja and Olaf decided to stop playing and leading a SegwayPolo Team.
5 years of SegwayPolo are more than enough and the actual discussion about the upcoming world championship tired us out and made this step easy to go.
We are sure that the remaining players will find a new Team or build their own. Thank you for understanding.

http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pag ... 6030368907
Beiträge: 75
Registriert: 31.01.2013 18:19

Re: Was ist los beim Polo? +++ Turtles Team Broke +++

Beitrag von Hapebo »

Ich denke, hier ist das heutige Datum schuld. ;-)
Beiträge: 2499
Registriert: 03.06.2007 00:07
Wohnort: Zeiskam / Rheinland-Pfalz

Re: Was ist los beim Polo? +++ Turtles Team Broke +++

Beitrag von Gawrisch »

Funky-Move Turtles / 1st SegwayPolo Club Germany
1. April
We got only a few people but we got some ;-)
Of course the Funky-Move Turtles are still living and we are doing better than ever. Winter will be over soon and with starting the real spring we will start the outdoor season. Both turtles teams are preparing for the upcoming WOZ Cup and are looking really forward to meet you in DC...